Four Signs That You Need To Remove Lead Paint or Asbestos

Each crack and peeling paint on your walls reveal a story. Hidden within these walls may be a silent danger: lead paint and asbestos. These hazardous materials can cause severe health issues and should be removed immediately. As Colorado’s leading demolition company, American Demolition Inc. is here to help you identify the signs of lead paint or asbestos and take the necessary steps to remove them. Request an estimate and read on to learn more.

lead paint on window

Outdated Construction Materials

If your building was constructed before the 1980s, it is likely to contain lead paint or asbestos, respectively. These materials were commonly used in construction until their hazardous effects were discovered. As they age, they deteriorate and release dangerous particles into the air. 

pealing paint

Peeling Paint

Before engaging in any demolition project, especially for buildings built before 1978, it’s essential to confirm if any lead paint is present. Peeling paint on walls and ceilings may appear insignificant, but it could indicate the presence of dangerous paint. When lead paint peels, it releases hazardous particles into the air, which could be dangerous when inhaled or consumed. Stay on the safe side and get a lead paint inspection done before embarking on any demolition project.

crumbling asbestos

Crumbling Materials

Asbestos was once a popular building material due to its fire-resistant properties. However, it has since been linked to lung cancer and other respiratory diseases. If your home or office was built before 1980, there is a high likelihood of asbestos. Chipped or crumbling materials such as drywall, insulation, or flooring can release asbestos fibers into the air, which can be dangerous if inhaled.

water damage on ceiling

Water Damage

Water damage can have long-lasting and hazardous consequences. It can weaken building materials and create a breeding ground for mold and other harmful substances, including asbestos and lead paint. If your home or office has recently experienced water damage, don’t wait until it’s too late to assess the damage.

dangerous of lead paint and asbestos

Don’t take any chances with the health and safety of your building. At American Demolition, we offer commercial demolition and abatement services to remove these hazardous materials from your building safely. Contact our demolition company today!

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